Apricots from the Damascus Room Issue 06 (Zine)

This trilingual publication is designed and produced as the sixth issue of the zine series titled Apricot from Damascus. The series consisted of sixteen issues and aimed at engaging publication as an artistic practice in an effort to connect through cultural commons, or the shared interdisciplinary knowledge acquired by varied communities. Zines are published in three languages: Arabic, Turkish, and English.

Atif Akin, 2015, New York, US

Atif Akin, 2015, New York, US

Atif Akin, 2015, New York, US

This particular issue draws from the movement of botanical matter–namely, the apricot, an early export of Damascus–to weave together notions of resiliency and preservation with relocation. The zine correlates the arrangement of adjacent galleries at Metropolitan Museum of Art with the trade routes of the apricot and the trajectory of the present-day Syrian refugee: from Damascus, to Turkey, to Greece, and, through the museum’s exit, to New York City and the West.