Mutant Space, Onkalo

Atif Akin, 2015, Haukijärvi, Finland

Mutant Space Onkalo, Atif Akin, Haukijarvi, Finland 2015

Mutant Space Onkalo, Atif Akin, Haukijarvi, Finland 2015

Mutant Space Onkalo, Atif Akin, Haukijarvi, Finland 2015

Onkalo, Finland is another site in the project Mutant Space. The Onkalo spent nuclear fuel repository is a deep geological repository for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel, the first such repository in the world. e area is home to the oldest bedrock structured after the ice age and the world’s largest nuclear waster repository, dug more than ve hundred meters underground in solid bedrock structure. I produced photo- graphs and videos around the site and also had the chance to get into some intriguing discussions with other designers on the question of visually communicating the nuclear waste two hundred forty-thousand years forward, to future generations.